Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Beautiful Friend - A Song Dedication to Sis Gun Lai Hiang

A few of us gathered at Ungku Omar Hostel for a farewell get-together for Sis. Gun Lai Hiang. This is her last semester in UKM as she will be graduating. However, she was not able to join us.* Thus, we all sang this song (an impromptu decision) at the basketball court as our dedication to Sis. Gun Lai Hiang! We love you Gun and gonna miss you! By the way, Hui Sun, Wily and Dwee had to leave earlier to finish up their assignments. They were there at the gathering too.

However, a little bird, in the form of Bro. Gan Jia Cheng, sent a good news to us!! Sis. Lai Hiang will be staying on next semester to do her Masters program!! Yahoo!!! See you back in e-DSG, yah!

Note: * Sis. Lai Hiang thought our e-DSG get-together was scheduled on Weds when it was actually Tues. Ooops......:o)

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