Saturday, September 5, 2009

e-DSG - 020909 @ Kajang Buddhist House

Another e-DSG get-together in Buddhist House. This time we discussed Vegetarianism, Religious Significance of Fasting & The Significance of Paritta Chanting. What matters most is how are we going to purify our mind? Well, the answer is simply through Meditation!!!

All UKMBF & UKMBA members are invited to join a Meditation Retreat to be held on 19-21 Sept 2009 at Genting View. For more details, please refer to this invitation below from Bro. Beng Chung.

"I am inviting you and your friends to attend a retreat on mindfullness during the raya period. For beginners, it's a step by step and clear session; and for experienced meditators, you'll find it very refreshing. The programme will be innovative, soothing and down to earth. Just 48 hours of your time and it will bring you very very very ....... far and deep. As for me, nothing beats knowing myself deeper as it allows me to expand and grow beyond what I knew of myself. Do sign up."

For ease of participation, you may pass your cash appreciation through Bro. Beng Chung.
Feel free to call Bro. Beng Chung for more info at: 012-236 1303.

See the email from UKMBA below:
UKMBA is pleased and happy to inform that a mindfulness retreat will be conducted in Genting View, Genting Highlands, Pahang.
Friends and relatives of UKMBA are most welcome. We are also inviting the undergraduates from UKMBF to join us in the cultivation of mindfulness, a path for us to cultivate happiness and
peace which the Buddha has shown many moons ago.

The details of the retreat are:

* Date : 19-21 September, 2009 (Saturday to Monday) (3 days 2 nights)
* Objective : To grasp the practice of Mindfulness in our daily life
* Venue : Genting View, Genting Highlands, Pahang
* Check-in : 3.00 pm (19 Sept)
* Check-out : 1200 pm (21Sept)
* Cost : RM30.00 for UKMBF members (RM 50.00 sponsored by Bro. Beng Chung)
RM150.00 for UKMBA members and friends or relatives
Cost covers meals and lodgings only.

* Participants who need enquiries and transport arrangement please call Sis Ah Lan Tel 0173401960 or Sis Lai Hiang 0126898213



Contact Number:___________________________________________


E-mail Address:____________________________________________

Correspondence Address:____________________________________


Buddhist Organization (if any):________________________________

Reasons for Participating:___________________________________


Previous experience with meditation:___________________________


Submission Date:__________________________________________

Registration ends on 12 September, 2009 (Saturday)
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