For this e-DSG, we had a new speaker, i.e. Bro. Brian Lee. Coincidentally, his brother is Roland Lee of Messengers of Dharma! What a small world!
The sharing by Brian was on how Buddhism changed his course of life. It was in his 1st student year in UKM where he met a girl who was trampling on some ants while waiting for the bus at Kolej Rahim Kajai's bus stop. She was collecting ants as speciments for her Zoology course. Students in Zoology course are usually required to collect many speciments for their studies and research. That involves killing. Although Brian wanted to study Zoology due to his love for animals, he decided to forego it as he doesn't want to commit killing. As a result, he opted for the study of Genetics. Now he works for WWF and he is happy with the decision he makes as he has many opportunities to work on research, including as project manager in overseas project.
Some members shared their opinions on why they choose Buddhism as the religion for them.
All in all, it was an interesting evening.
Added on 9 Aug 2009: Thanks Dwee for highlighting to me the mistake about Bro. Brian Lee's course. The right one is Genetics! *wink*wink* Thanks!!!